Number Erasmus contract : 2019-PT01-KA116/060624
Dates : 02/09/2019 – 01/05/2022

We want to improve the teaching staff professional skills, increase the number of trainees with fewer opportunities participating in international mobility, improve the quality of projects we undertake as well as their dissemination, foster entrepreneurship in students, imbue them with autonomy , increase their motivation, responsibility, teamwork, money management, encourage students and school staff to take part in international and intercultural activities.

We want to increase the respect for difference.

We want to improve the work-based training process. Strengthen partnerships and establish new ones. To learn more about training and work methods in companies from other countries and to add more value to the dimension of our project and disseminate European policies.

We want to develop our competences in EQF, ECVET, EQAVET and ESCO. Trainees’ internships will be part of their school curriculum and in the case of others a supplementary multilingual diploma will be provided by us.

This project “Go up! New skills and an adventurous journey” will provide an extraordinary experience for 28 young people, attending the courses of commerce, IT for management, fashion design and events organization. They will undertake an international internship in companies located in Hungary and Belgium.

Their mobilities will take place in February 2019 (20 participants 1 month) and June / July / August 201 9 (10 participants- 3 months).

Besides, one of our operational assistants will be integrated into a Belgian vocational training establishment for 5 days where they will observe the work of the staff of the hosting organization and share their experiences (job-shadowing).

They will all actively participate in a process of technical, cultural and linguistic preparation.

Intermediary entities won’t be necessary. Indeed, the two host countries / cities were strategically chosen because there we have partners from other projects (Erasmus + KAI YCCYW and KA2 Traditions Across Borders projects) who are available to find the host entities as well as the accommodation for the our participants. In addition, one of our employees often travels to Belgium for family reasons, staying for several weeks. As regards Hungary, we will also send a trainer for a short preparatory visit to ensure that everything is properly planned.

Although Esprominho has not requested fa grant for it, a trainer will (if necessary) accompany our students (young participants), in order to check that the accommodation and the hosting companies comply with the contractual documentation, as well as to explore the mechanisms of integration in companies. Esprominho will also permanently monitor the internships within its Quality Evaluation Plan, following a series of monitoring processes included in our procedures evidenced in the assignment of the VET Charter Quality Seal, namely a Snap Shot Analysis and several evaluation documents that structure of the project.

The school will be in permanent contact with the participants and also through social networks and through Skype and Whatsapp. Participants will be provided with more knowledge, skills and competencies that they will bring to school and for their lives.

We will monitor their Europass processes.The experiences will be disseminated (we have a dissemination plan) at school, locally through social networks, our wall paper for news Esprominho in Europe and our website, nationally thanks to the National Association of Vocational Schools and the services of Ministry of Education and finally internationally through our channels and etwinning. We will create an attractive Logo for the project. We will organise an exhibition at school and the participants will talk about their experience to the other students. The participants will be interviewd by local written press.

We are expecting a huge impact. In participants’ lives. In the internationalization and modernization of training processes. In the certification of skills and certifications in the European level. In the increase of skills and motivation of teams and staff involved in the project. In the families of the participants. In the European dimension of school. In the construction and consolidation of European networks related to our privileged training fields and our greater involvement with foreign and regional companies in European projects.


Flow 2 – Lugo, Spain (05/04/2021 – 05/07/2021)

– Márcia Silva (Event Management and Organization)

Flow 3 – Pontevedra, Spain (15/07/2021 – 15/08/2021)

– Catarina Rocha (Event Management and Organization)
– Lara Couto (Event Management and Organization)
– Beatriz Oliveira (Aesthetic Massage and Wellness)
– Ângela Lopes (Event Management and Organization)

Flow 4 – Pontevedra, Spain (16/08/2021 – 16/09/2021)

– Maria João Fernandes (Beautician, Massage and Wellness)
– Natália Coelho (Beautician, Massage and Wellness)

Flow 5 – Lugo, Spain (01/09/2021 – 02/10/2021)

– Francisca Rebelo (Fashion Design)
– André Silva (Fashion Design)
– Eduarda Matos (Hairdressing)
– Ana Rita Cunha (Hairdressing)
– Luana Miranda (Hairdressing)
– Cláudia Carvalho (Event Management and Organization)

Flow 6 – Lugo, Spain (01/09/2021 – 02/10/2021)

– André Silva (Fashion Design)
– Natália Correia (Beautician, Massage and Wellness)
– Cláudia Carvalho (Event Management and Organization)

Flow 7 – Job Shadowing Belgium (06/12/2021 – 13/12/2021)

– Alex Faria (International Projects Manager)
– Raquel Gonçalves (Communication Manager)
– Sara Duarte (International Projects Manager)