With this project:

– We want to improve the teaching staff professional skills, increase the number of trainees with fewer opportunities participating in international mobility, improve the quality of projects we undertake as well as their dissemination, foster entrepreneurship in students, imbue them with autonomy, increase their motivation, responsibility, teamwork, money management, encourage students and school staff to take part in international and intercultural activities.

-We want to improve the work-based training process. Strengthen partnerships and establish new ones. To learn more about training and work methods in companies from other countries and to add more value to the dimension of our project and disseminate European policies.

-We are expecting a huge impact. In participants’ lives. In the internationalization and modernization of training processes. In the certification of skills and certifications in the European level. In the increase of skills and motivation of teams and staff involved in the project. In the families of the participants. In the European dimension of school. In the construction and consolidation of European networks related to our privileged training fields and our greater involvement with foreign and regional companies in European projects.

We want to increase the respect for difference, promote gender equality in training and social inclusion!


Our objectives are:

  • Objective 1: Improve the academic learning outcomes and the personal, social, academic and professional development of students.

  • Objective 2: Innovate and improve the way we organize training, bringing together digital, telework and face-to-face work for a more modern teaching and training of students and closer to the values of the European Ecological Pact.

  • Objective 3: Promote professional internships, either short or long term (ERASMUS PRO), thus guaranteeing the students’ academic and socio-professional success and increasing the school’s attractiveness.

  • Objective 4: Promote through school exchanges value, knowledge and skills related to themes related to European citizenship, inclusion and environmental sustainability.

You can also participate in international mobilities! Do you accept the challenge?