Cinema Didactic for the Development of Teacher and Students Skills!
Narrative cinema is an educational and communicational tool almost essential in today’s school, both as a visual art and as a means to pass and learn through emotions. The cinema narration has a great training value for young generation and succeeds in profoundly affecting the emotional sphere of the youth, training them to decentralize and to develop empathy, stimulating the imagination and knowledge of other worlds, developing divergent thinking.
They intend to use cinema as an educational tool in European schools, carrying out training, discussion and exchange activities among schools, students and teachers, launching a discussion on the topic and activating an eTwinning group that allows all interested parties to find points for reflection and useful tools to create a European community that can collaborate in the development of new projects on the subject of cinema and school education.
The objectives of the CIAK project are:
– to promote the active participation of teachers in the experimentation of teaching through the cinema and audiovisuals use
– to recognize and promote the skills of teachers who will collaborate in identifying, drafting, using materials and tools in the eTwinning group in order to increase the use of this platform
– to encourage the socialization of teachers’ work, in a synchronic and diachronic sense, opening the way to a collaborative relationship with other teachers coming from different European countries and allowing an overall growth of teaching reflection of the audiovisual and cinema subject at school
– to facilitate the participants (teachers and students) in the experimentation of a collaborative school teaching that gives the teacher the role of facilitator in a research where students are considered the protagonists
– to support the planning and definition of the criteria for the dissemination and settlement of educational activities to be carried out through the use of the audiovisuals in the curricular programming of the partner institutions
The total number of students involved will be around 150, 49 of them will do a mobility and approx. 100 students will participate in the activities on site. The total number of teachers involved will be 33, 6 of them will do a mobility, 7 will accompany students and 20 will participate in the activities on site.
Both the teachers and the students involved will participate in the eTwinning group.
The CIAK project plans 4 actions:
1 Short-term exchange of group of pupils, from Italy to Portugal-Braga (21 days / 19 students)
1 Short-term exchange of group of pupils, from Italy to Spain-Lugo (21 days / 15 students)
1 Short-term exchange of group of pupils, from Portugal and Spain to Italy (10 days / 15 students)
1 Short-term joint staff training event of 5 days in Italy which will be attended by 6 teachers coming from Spanish and Portuguese schools and 4 teachers from Italian schools, during which a laboratory will be created in which they will acquire skills related to the use of cinema in traditional teaching and
The methodologies used will be mainly active and will consist in collective exercises, group works, brainstorming, storytelling. Audiovisual products will be produced through laboratory experiences.
The English will be the transmissive language of the project.
– Creation, management and implementation of an eTwinning group on the theme “Cinema and teaching at school”
– N. 4 project works carried out by students of the mobility in different European countries
– N. 2 short films, one made by teachers and one made by students
– Collaborative creation, through the eTwinning platform, of tools and materials useful to the different school disciplines for the audiovisual and cinema implementation in the traditional teaching
- Improvement of the educational offer of the schools involved
- Improvement of the quality of teaching
- Enhancement of collaborative practices through eTwinning
- Increase of the learning opportunities for students
- Improvement of the visibility and European participation of the educational institutions
Mameli-Magnini – Liceo Artistico Alpinolo Magnini, Deruta – Italy (Coordinator)
Salvatorelli-Moneta, Marsciano – Italy
EsproMinho – Escola Profissional do Minho, Braga – Portugal /
Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria a Pinguela, Monforte de Lemos – Spain
Instituto de Educación Secundaria Axati, Lora del Rio – Spain
Flow 1 – From Italy to Portugal, Braga (From 24 to 31 October 2021)

Flow 2 – From Portugal to Italy – Deruta and Marsciano (From 4 to 13 february 2022)

Flow 3 – From Portugal to Italy – Deruta and Marsciano (From 5 to 11 June 2022)