The supplying of rising needs is just possible with using the improving technology. The improving technology have compelled the European societies to the changing promptly in terms of globalization, digitalization, socio-cultural and economic. While every new changing causes a rising of new industries and occupations, the needs having labour force that has more different skills and competence have risen. The social developments have causes quickly becoming old of the existence qualifications of the individuals, and the needs of renewal of the individuals have brought attendantly. The students have different skills and competence to be able to integrate their knowledge to the complex situations of the real life. Many research have showed that mathematical ideas are quite important to be effective in people’s professional career and modern digital world.
The researches reveal that the graduated students who have traditional mathematic education teaching mathematical concepts and connection among them couldn’t use these knowledge in real time conditions.
Therefore, traditional maths education causes learning disability of the students. Also, the learning disability causes the early school leaving. Our purpose with the help project is to integrate to the real-life situations with to help of technology of the students maths knowledge. The real-life conditions have integrated framework in terms of disciplines. It is impossible to solve the real-life problems with only one disciplinary.
It will be provided equality of opinions-chances among students. It is essential that at least one maths and ICT teacher participate each training and activity of our project. Our project has consist of dividing more lower segments and with piecing together of these lower segments. These segments are complete in terms of reporting and evaluation in itself. Every evaluation will provide the effect of new ideas to the project in planning of the activity that will be taken place later. Each of stem activity states the segments. The lower segments that are consisted of piecing together of parts have separated each of others with different data structure, technological approach and algorithm. The participants will experience interactive European learning environment to improve their skills. The teachers will prepare stem lesson plans at the end of thevtrainings.
It will be formed a collection including all the materials that will be improved during the project. These will be published related virtual platforms. Teach-meet activities will be arranged to reach new ideas at teacher trainings.
– Siauliu Medelyno Progimnazija, Lithuania (coordinator)
– Rigas 80 Vidusskola, Latvia
– Scoala Profesionala Daneti, Romania
– Esprominho – Escola Profissional Do Minho, Portugal
– Osnovna Skola Fra Kaje Adzica, Croatia
– Cigli Imkb Mesleki Ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi, Turkey
Flow 1 – Siauliu, Lithuania (From 19 to 25 September 2021)
– Short-Term joint staff Training Events
Flow 2 – Izmir, Turkey (From 13 to 19 February 2022)
– Short-Term Exhanges of Groups of Pupils
Flow 3 – Riga, Latvia (From 5 to 10 June 2022)
– Short-Term Joint Staff Training Events